10 Work Habits that Will Make you Unpopular at Work – Avoid Them!



It’s not just the big goof ups that might hinder your growth in career; more often than not it’s those small and presumably insignificant behavioural patterns that jar with the sensibilities of the others around you that have a detrimental effect on your image.

As soon as you step into your workplace you have to immediately take on your professional garb. No longer are you in the comfort of your home where you can do just about anything. There are certain, at times unwritten, norms that have to be maintained and followed when you are in a professional work environment and not following them can put you in bad light and rub people the wrong way.


Gossiping and backstabbing

These are probably the worst things that a person can do in a workplace. Spreading rumours or maligning someone’s name is not only unethical but also emotionally scarring for the individual being targeted. Such behaviour usually stems for the person’s own insecurities and fears. People in the office are usually able to recognise such trouble makers who indulge in these activities. Gossiping and backstabbing might have an adverse impact on your job as well if brought to the notice of upper management and Human Resource.



Another habit that can make you unpopular among your co-workers! People tend to delay their pending work, sometimes out of fear of facing it, or sometimes it can be just to feel the adrenaline rush of cutting it close . Procrastination becomes a problem when there are others in the office that gets adversely affected by this habit.


Lying or plagiarizing

Lies have a tendency to get caught putting the liar in a very awkward position and if the lies are related to ones credentials or work, misusing office utilities, stealing your colleagues’ kudos , then chances are you might face termination.


Generating negativity in the workplace

Constant cribbing and complaining only makes you an unpleasant person to have around. These habits bring down the group morale and is seen by the upper management as a ‘cancer’ in the workplace.

According to Stephen Hawking, “people won’t have time for you if you are always angry and complaining”.

If you have negative thoughts going through your mind regarding your job, make a conscious effort to think positive thoughts.


Lack of punctuality

This habit shows you as a lethargic, unreliable and a careless person. Be it being late to work or coming back from breaks long after they are over are some habits that can put a bad impression about you among your superiors. Being on time and prompt, whether to office or for meetings is always seen as a sign of an efficient, dependable and energetic person, qualities that are always appreciated and expected in an employee. If, for some unforeseen reason, you are going to be delayed it’s always advisable to contact your supervisor directly and inform them about the delay.


Social media addiction

This has become a common place problem these days. Excessive time spent on social media will be a big source of hindrance with your daily work and gets a big ‘dislike’ from not only your boss but also your colleagues. Some offices have blocked the social media sites to curtail this problem. Being seen regularly on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter during your office hours will give a poor impression about you.



Inefficiency at workplace is seen in disorganised work, wasting time in idling and excessive talking about personal life. These are the tell-tales that will typecast you as an inefficient and unprofessional person. It’s important to keep the chit chat limited to breaks and make sure your desk is neat and organised.


Inappropriate behaviour

This is scorned upon these days, even more so in workplaces. Commenting on someone’s appearance, use of inappropriate words, sexist or racist remarks are seen as harassment and can have some negative repercussions. Lack of manners is not appreciated in workplace. Use of words like ‘please’, ‘sorry’, ‘excuse me’ and thank you’ only put you across as a well-mannered and well-groomed person. Throwing a temper tantrum at work will only make things worse for you showing you as someone who isn’t able to handle pressure. Shoulder surfing is another habit that makes people uncomfortable. Looking over someone’s shoulder while they type confidential information like passwords is strictly forbidden.


Sloppy appearance

Sloppy appearance while at work can make a poor impression on others. How you dress will impact how people react to you. Doesn’t matter how knowledgeable you are or how skilled, if you come across as an untidy sloppy person, people will doubt your credibility. This might gravely impact your professional life. You, as an employee are also representing the company you work for, and hence how you dress will influence others about you and your organisation, which makes it all the more imperative for you to dress professionally.


Poor body language

This can have a big impact on how you are perceived by your co-workers. Nonverbal communication is as important as the words we utter and comprises of 75% of our social interaction. Poor body language can usually give the impression of you being a low on self confidence and self-esteem by the people around you. Poor posture, no eye contact and constant fidgeting are some example of poor body language. Rolling of eyes can be seen as a sign of disrespect and crossing your arms is usually perceived as a sign of being defensive. Deliberate efforts should be made to avoid these during any social interaction.


Ask people you trust for a feedback and take that as a start pointing for making these amends. A conscious effort has to be made to make changes in one’s self to make you a more pleasant and socially acceptable person


Blog Author

Misha Kher is a Master in Economics with many years of experience in educational industry behind her. She balances her life as a lecturer in Amity University and a mother of hyperactive adorable daughter. In her spare time she dabbles into writing, reading and painting.

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